Wednesday, 10 January 2007

We Begin

This will probably be the most writing I do on this blog (stop cheering) as I have another blog that I can put my thoughts in. I thought I would give a bit of background first of all then this blog will mainly be photos and photo related, also helps me keep track of stuff and see if I am actually improving or not! Ive been into taking photos for a long time, but then after I grew up and that work thing started it kind of went by the wayside. Couple of years ago I started it back up again and bought a nikon coolpix 8800, good camera and produced some not bad photos. Last year just before Christmas I took the plunge and bought a dlsr, a Nikon D80 and I just love it! I have (currently) 2 lenses for the camera a Tamron 70-300mm and a nikon 18-135mm. Still toying with the idea to get a bigger lens, plus aim to have a macro lens by spring, budget allowing!

One of my new years resolutions was to get out more and take more photos, try to improve and also to learn more about how they work etc etc. As there has been no decent light at all yet, these dreary grey days are a pain, I havnt ventured out that far. So for the most these all have been practise shots, to help me get to know the camera and the settings.

Now im not going to put every photo that Ive taken with the new camera on here, but I will add some. From now on though all photos will be on here. Ok best push in the seperate drive and post some photos.

As always, positive c&c is most welcome!


Jan said...

Looking forward to this nic, you've already got some great photos, I love the squirrel of course, but my particular favourite out of those so far is the close-up of the goose-head. Really well captured. Good luck with this hobby mate, hope you get some decent weather soon.

Oh, and I'm first! ;)

nicola said...

You are first too....wheres the bubbly!

Anonymous said...

Good idea to start a blog for your pictures! I love your photos and it will be great to have them all in one place!

Ospreywatcher said...

nice photos, especially the ones at your feeder