Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Bugging me!

This bug was half the size of my little finger nail, so reasonably pleased with my first efforts


The Quacks of Life said...

nice !!

Anonymous said...

Great shots Nic - don't think i've seen one of them before.

nicola said...

no, dont know what type of bug it is...thanks both for your comments

If anyone knows what it is.....

nicola said...

thanks dean, still looking to see which one it is..

oldcrow61 said...

Oh my Nic, you must be over the moon with the pictures you've taken...Fantastic! And to think you are only just getting started. Wow!!

nicola said...

I know what it is now, with the help of some people over at wab...its a Longitarsus dorsalis flea beetle!!! phew I can sleep again