Sunday, 25 March 2007



Ospreywatcher said...

Stunning macro shots, think you've got the hang of it now!

Anonymous said...

your begining to master the macro

nicola said...

I will be honest I wasnt all that impressed with the photos I took today.......mind just wasnt on the job!

nicola said...

oh does anyone know what the first beastie is??

Anonymous said...

Nic, the first one is a Yellow Dung Fly Scathophaga stercoraria. They prey on other flies on cow pats etc. Give me Rats anyday!


Anonymous said...

oh, I forgot, Its covered in pollen from something, maybe your forsythia...right get some rat photos sorted...:-)


These are mistakes that wont delete --- yu

nicola said...

OK!! thanks for the id, not so sure where it finds cow pats round here, it had been on the willow prior to the photo being taken....oh do you really want rat photos? ive got some I can take from the cam if you wish..

oldcrow61 said...

WOW! Photos are super.